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Ombudsman urges car buyers to buy from accredited dealers

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Thousands of motorists up and down the country will be visiting car showrooms in the coming weeks to make sure they are one of the first on the road with the new 18-plate registrations that start in March.

To ensure that buyers get the best deal and don’t make any obvious mistakes when selecting a new purchase, automotive dispute resolution provider, The Motor Ombudsman has a simple “ABC” formula to follow.

The main purpose of the formula is to encourage consumers to look at, and work through, the key considerations when deciding on a purchase, as there are many factors to take into account when doing so. These range from how to choose a retailer, to confirming that the right documentation is available with the vehicle when it arrives.

Follow The Car Expert's Ten Golden Rules for Buying a Car
The Motor Ombudsman has developed “ABC” formula for car buyers to follow

The Motor Ombudsman’s ABC formula:

Always make sure that the independent garage or franchised dealer is accredited to The Motor Ombudsman’s Chartered Trading Standards Institute (CTSI)-approved Motor Industry Vehicle Sales Code of Practice.

This will give you the peace of mind that the seller of the car is meeting the highest of standards of service, and that they are signed up to an impartial Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) provider, such as The Motor Ombudsman, should something go wrong.

All businesses adhering to the Code can be found at the click of a button on The Motor Ombudsman’s online Garage Finder.

Budgeting is key when selecting a make, model and fuel type. Take time to do the necessary research and keep to what you can afford in terms of the deposit, any long-term repayment plans, and the running and maintenance costs.

Check the pricing and specification of the vehicle carefully upon ordering and receiving the car, and that all paperwork is present and accurate. This includes finance and servicing agreements, invoices, receipts, warranty and insurance policies, as well as relevant registration documents.

Bill Fennell, managing director of The Motor Ombudsman, said: “A car is often a significant financial commitment for many, and there’s a lot of different pieces of information to digest for consumers throughout the entire purchase process.

“Therefore, to steer motorists in the right direction as we approach the new registration, we have introduced a simple formula for motorists to follow as a quick reference guide. This is so as to create a buying and subsequent ownership experience which is as straightforward as possible.”

The latest from The Car Expert

Stuart Masson
Stuart Massonhttps://www.thecarexpert.co.uk/
Stuart is the Editorial Director of our suite of sites: The Car Expert, The Van Expert and The Truck Expert. Originally from Australia, Stuart has had a passion for cars and the automotive industry for over thirty years. He spent a decade in automotive retail, and now works tirelessly to help car buyers by providing independent and impartial advice.